A Near-Death Experience with Tracey Natarajan



"One of the biggest lessons I continue to learn from having the stroke is that a great deal of healing can be accomplished from a liminal space. As much as I, or my clients, would love to ascribe a cosmic reason to traumatic events in our lives and be able to see how that pain eventually worked toward a higher good, releasing the need to fully understand opens opportunities to heal in ways that aren't bound by our understanding of cause and effect. It's one reason I attract so many clients who have gone through similar trauma to my own.”

— Tracey Natarajan

Following a near death experience in 2014, Tracey has felt driven to own their place in the LGBTQ+ community and as an intuitive and healer. They offer intuitive readings in a variety of modalities, distance Primordial Song, and Reiki healings.


Near-Death Experience with Tracey Natarajan