I leave Monday morning at dawn for the Angel Therapy® Practitioner conference in Kona, Hawaii!
To say I'm excited would be an understatement. Certainly too stoked to organize my thoughts much this week, but I wanted to give you a head's up about my absence.
When I attend Gatherings, Spiritual Retreats, and Healing Workshops I like to leave my computer behind and go off the grid as much as possible.
My response to emails and comments will be limited from 11/03/2008 through 11/11/2008 (perfect return date, huh?). I'm booking readings to resume 11/12/2008 -- stay tuned, I will have some additional reading options and special pricing when I return.
Before my trip I'm releasing as many expectations as I can, but I do know that studying with Doreen Virtue represents a move toward more confidence in working as a medical intuitive. The Universe sends me more and more people with medical requests; it represents a context of intuitive work of which I am still fearful. Medical intuition carries an enormous amount of responsibility, but it's also a kind of ultimate goal -- representing one of the "highest" ways I feel I can serve other people. So far, my specialty seems to be identifying prescription interactions and dosing issues.
I've been working to upload medical vocabulary into my frame of reference. The information comes in a predominantly clairvoyant format -- I can see a lot of things I don't have the language to articulate.
Fear | Excitement For me, October was a month filled with exercises in patience and anxiety control. I will replace this temporary announcement post with a more thoughtful article in the near future, but I wanted to leave you with one observation to contemplate. Switching from extremes of anxiety/fear to the excitement/anticipation of this once-in-a-lifetime trip, I can't help but note how similar the vibrations are. Almost as if excitement is a half-note away from fear. It's like standing in the same spot energetically, but facing one of either opposite directions.
A lot of the energies I've been working with lately seem to highlight the fact that power, in and of itself, is neither good or bad. I can channel or raise power from Source, independent of where I project or direct it. My body's physical response is almost identical in either state of fear or excitement. I just discussed this over coffee with one of my practicing Buddhist friends; she mentioned that Fear/Hope sit right beside each other.
Hmm... Something to think about.
Send me prayers of protection as I travel, along with any concerns I can carry for you -- I'm off to pack!
Image by POSITiv via Creative Commons on Flickr