I'm very grateful for rewarding responses and feedback from some who've requested Spirit Guide Readings:

"I am amazed by the accuracy of Slade's spirit guide name reading services. I had ordered two; one for my husband and the other for myself. We already knew what the names of our guides were, prior to the readings. Slade was able to get them right!

Slade also pointed out a number of things which no one else, save for family, knew. Some of the words in his report findings were the exact ones we used in our personal lives. It is affirming to know that much of our prayers, wishes and desires are being noted by each of our spiritual team.

I am certainly very happy with Slade's spirit guide readings!!! It is wonderful to get the assurance that our guardian angels, ascended masters and guides are assisting us in our paths forward. Because of the readings, I experience a greater sense of confidence in developing an intimate relationship with my team. Thank you, Slade!" Evelyn Lim, Singapore Intuitive Consultant http://www.AttractionMindMap.com

"Slade, I am impressed with the accuracy with which you described my talents and the relationship with where I am and my achieved success. Actually, I'm blown away by how much detail you retrieved with so little initial input from me... Absurd as it seems I did not necessarily recognize this {fusing expertise & spiritual concepts} as a talent {at least not a tangible one}. I have established successes in many spheres, and so distinguishing between what is a talent from what is the brute application of will to conquer a skill has not been easy. Finally receiving an independent feedback as to where my talent lies has been important to me.

Slade, I have been exposed to many kinds of analysis but the one conducted by you has been the most impressive. You have definitely given me value that goes well beyond the money that I paid to receive it." Jim N.

"Super on-point and apt, as always. I am really impressed man with your skills, thank you so much." Dan L.

"First let me say thank you! I really appreciate the time you took to do this reading...it came at a crucial time for me and I am truly grateful.

As soon as I read [my spirit guide's] name I felt as if I was enveloped in warmth and love (may sound cheesy but I don't know how else to word it). To have a name for my guide has given me a sense of peace and also excitement. I have this feeling as if I am "home" and of familiarity, if that makes any sense! I have already discovered her "ID"... a tickling sensation on my back when I speak her name or in answer to a question I have asked. I have always had the feeling of just "knowing" things without any explanation for WHY I know them. It's nice to finally know where - or WHO - that intuitiveness is coming from.

So much of your reading rang true for me.

Slade, thank you again...this means to much to me." Nicole

"I am so excited to have this information! I'm off to send a donation from each of my kids, and am going to share your link on a spiritual forum for women. Thanks SO much! I just love it!!" Barb L.

"You know, Slade, that when we first started talking seriously -- ONE YEAR AGO -- what you were saying to me completely turned my worldview upside down and inside out. Because of you, I learned to figure out which of the People in my head were Me and which were... Other. I was able to tune it in, acknowledge it, and engage with it in ways I'd never dreamed of. Who I am now is so different from who I was two years ago, I wouldn't believe it if it hadn't happened. I mean, I was 33 years old -- you're supposed to be pretty set in your ways by that time!

Maybe if you hadn't catalyzed that, it would have been another teacher. I don't know -- I don't care. It was you, and my gratitude is eternal." Jeff Lilly DruidJournal

"THANK YOU! So wonderful to get a reading on names like that. I had made contact with an older female when I did the Meet a Guide meditation earlier this week, and have known about this woman for awhile, but didn't know who she was.This gives me wonderful concrete info to work with in my meditations." Kara-Leah Grant The Yoga Lunchbox

"Thank you sooo much you are a star, wowsers I was tingling all over as I read this special email from you." Leon

"I just have to pipe up about one of your posts. It's a prime example of honesty and integrity about spiritual work, and I find that enthralling and inspiring. The interview you gave recently on another blog amplified these themes, and after reading it I thought "Wow, it's truly rare that someone gifted with any talent or ability would concern themselves so deeply and minutely with it's ethical implementation and maximum positive impact on the world". (Actually, I just thought "Wow!" and came up with that other nice stuff just now) It's clear from your writing that this is a process and sometimes a struggle, which is what brings in this enthralling part - if you were a saint, your readers might be awed into boredom. So thank gawd you're not! And bravo for putting it out there - your gift at "hearing shit", your talent at writing, and your honesty about the tough stuff." Sarah Peters

"Well aren’t you GOOD! Thank you Thank you Thank you! Lots and lots of interesting information to digest..." Cathy

"Wow! How amazing!I have to tell you my intuition has been really going through the roof...I've locked eyes with several people and knew they had message for me and funny thing was that some of them were aware as well. I took a lot of what you said about the Mother today and channeled her energy into some [work]... the results were profound.

I totally resonate with what you are saying and it's so funny that you see [personal details omitted] because I have always been really into that and you so picked it up!" Paula Kawal

"I feel like I need to tell you why I emailed you originally. I have not known of your sight for very long. I was actually going through a rough time a little while back and I heard pretty clearly, "shift your spirits." I was in my office and just googled those words, "shift your spirits." Well... guess who I found?

I have been very interested in knowing my guides and angels for a while now -- although I must say that I am a bit new to these things. There is so much to learn, and I don't mean with my intellect!

Yes, we are friends... I feel it.

Take care Slade -- you are a star." Deborah

"Thank you for this reading. It's depth and detail are a testament to your skill at receiving information and passing it along in a comprehensible way. The messages shine through clearly, and there wasn't one line that didn't resonate with me. It must take a lot of elbow grease to polish the mirror of your heart this much! The conversational, straightforward tone of the reading impressed me - there was zero interference from New-Agey-fluff static, which I appreciate very much." Sarah

"I had very high expectations and they were totally exceeded! I found this free reading to be of immense value to me. I was able to identify with everything you told me. Before the reading, I had good conscious connections with a couple of my guides, but I had never heard of this one until the reading. After receiving the reading I immediately went into meditation and instantly made a conscious connection with my guide (which was described in the reading). He is now a huge help to me on a conscious level. You absolutely cannot underestimate the value of this powerful reading. Thank-You!" Jason Randhawa

"Wow, okay, your reading was profound. I've been read before by e-mail ... but this hit me over the head with detail... The accuracy of the [personal reading detail omitted] is spot-on. I am alarmed and amazed. Thank you oh so much for this. This is thrilling. Really. And absolutely!" Scott Bishop

"I f*ing LOVE your new site. It has inspired me greatly in terms of my own journey towards self-actualization and fruition. " John Brand

"First of all let me just say WOW! I can still feel the excitement in my heart from your reading... I must say that this reading brought tears to my eyes. I printed it out and underlined, hi-lited and placed stars beside all of the parts that hit home. You deliver well above and beyond all expectations.

Shortly after recieving this reading, I went for my usual daily nature walk. And as I did I felt as if I was in a constant warm and glowing hug. I have never experienced such a closeness with my guide. To be able to put a name to the feelings I have received all my life is just marvelous.

Thank you again for sealing the connection. You can be assured I will be back for another reading soon... Sally Stoneking

What will YOU say when I read for you?