Spirit Guides

Don't Ask Your Spirit Guides

When working with your spirit guides, asking from a place of powerlessness, with no clear intent or direction, is spiritually impotent and frustrating for everyone involved. Your guides are not omnipotent and they are not in charge. Take a good hard look at your word choice and the energy you’re projecting — are you cries for help too passive, open-ended, immature, or indirect?

The Keys to a Magical World View

The Keys to a Magical World View

You feel it’s appropriate for your Inner Child to reign in your dreaming, creative, divine, spiritual aspect; so why do you put him to bed and call in some “more Adult” perspective when interpreting the signs and symbols of your waking, conscious experience? This post is NOT about dream interpretation — it’s about interpreting the signs and symbols of your waking reality. It’s about cultivating a magical world view.

Ghost in the Flame - Part 2

In spring 1988, I connected with a spirit who was able to present me with verifiable information. As I track back through my personal history, looking for the thread of connected events and experiences that seem to belong to the story of my mediumship, this encounter stands out for the amount — and the degree — of detailed information that I was able to research and confirm.