About Slade
I’ve been an author and coach for 20 years. I’ve written through blocks and burnout…
Beyond Writer’s Block
Tips & tricks aren’t cutting it. An innovative process for overcoming creative blocks...
Email Series
Insights on writing, creative blocks, mindset shifts, purpose, and sustainability…
Free Meditation
12-minute guided meditation for clearing and releasing subconscious creative blocks…
Are you a “someday” writer?
You loved books and reading from a young age.
You wrote stories, poured your teen angst into poetry, got an A+ on every writing assignment, maybe even majored in English, Literature, or Languages.
Somewhere — either front and center or tucked quietly in the back of your mind — was the dream of one day being a writer.
Maybe you work in something writing-adjacent — teaching, marketing, copywriting, blogging, content creation.
Yet you still haven’t written that book.
You’ve tried a few times.
Started manuscripts and abandoned them.
Maybe finished one but buried it in a drawer or left it in a Google doc graveyard in the cloud.
It’s not that you don’t have good ideas — if anything, you have too many.
You’re afraid of committing to an idea long enough to see it through.
You escape one failed attempt by starting a new one.
Yet, still, you believe that someday you’ll finally overcome whatever’s holding you back and you’ll write that book.
You thought you would’ve done it by now.
And you feel ashamed that you haven’t.
That shame keeps you from seeking the support you need to finally make it happen.
You’ve read so many beautifully-written books by talented authors that the distance between your rough scribblings and their polished pages feels insurmountable.
You’re trying to leap from messy notes to a masterwork, without seeing all the drafts, false starts, and ugly stages those books went through.
And all those “book-in-a-month” productivity courses are just making it worse — messing with your head and pressuring you into the wrong strategies, re-enforcing this enormous, incredibly fast leap.
You’re comparing your sketches to someone else’s finished masterpiece.
No wonder you feel paralyzed by perfectionism.
You don’t need to make a giant leap.
If you’re struggling, that’s definitely not the way to start strong or to move forward sustainably.
You just need to take the next small step — the right one for you.
That’s what I help writers do.
I work with people just like you — smart, capable, creative souls who want to write but feel blocked, stuck, lost, or overwhelmed with how to even begin.
Together, we identify and address what’s holding you back and create a path forward that feels achievable and motivating.
If this resonates with you, I’d love to stay connected.
Through my free email series, I share the mindset shifts, practical strategies, and gentle guidance that help you overcome resistance and finally write the book you’ve been dreaming about.
If you’re ready to stop waiting for "someday" and start making actual progress…